Big Bang Cosmology and the Bible

Do really faraway stars prove that the universe is billions of years old? Doesn’t that conflict with the Bible? Has the speed of light always been the fasting thing in the universe? It is possible that the speed of light is not truly known? Or maybe it was briefly faster than it was now? Inflation Theory seems to suggest so and it was thought of to correct the LTT (Light Time Travel) problem with the Big Bang model. The Speed of light is based on light’s two-way speed, that is the speed going the distance away from an emitter and round trip back after bouncing off a surface. What we call the speed of light, is not a measurement of a one-way trip from one location to another, so we don’t truly how light speed works. Science only knows so much. Here are some things to ponder on the subject.

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Creation Week Symmetry

There is symmetry between days 1-3 and days 4-6 of creation week.

Genesis 1:1 is the initialization of space/time and matter. Genesis 1:2 describes the initial state of the cosmos as without form and void. In Hebrew this is tohu va-bohu (תֹ֙הוּ֙ וָבֹ֔הוּ). Tohu means “lacking form and purpose, unordered, desolate”, Bohu means “empty, uninhabited, wasteland”. The first 3 Days were the solution to tohu by bringing organization to the unorganized and the 2nd set of 3 days were solution to bohu filling the organized spaces with inhabitants.

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Literal Days of Creation

Did God really make everything in six days? Are the days of creation equal to thousands of years? The Hebrew word for day, is “Yom” (יוֹם), and it consistently means a literal day through the bible, so it never equals anything else. The word “Yom” doesn’t change meaning in Gen 1:14 when the sun, moon, and stars were created on day four. Some believers interpret the days as thousands of years and others even suggest each day is two billion years. They are trying to syncretize the bible with naturalism, which is a secular alternative to creation, that denies God’s creative supernatural ability. Scripture doesn’t fit with the billions of years model. One would have to say the earth took billions of years to rotate back then and then sped up to 24 hours sometime afterward. Is that even compatible with what the biblical authors believed?

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Theistic Evolution

Theistic evolution attempts to reconcile the Biblical creation story with secular beliefs about human origins. Theological evolution denies the biblical concept of God being immutable, and the sufficiency of scripture. Naturalists use the concept of macro-evolution to obviate God, so including God is to them, both unnecessary and contradictive to their beliefs. Naturalism says that the Bible’s limited age for the earth is incorrect and that it took millions of years for everything to form from nothing. No naturalist would agree that the Bible is true but saying that the days of creation are allegories for millions of years would be seen as a cop-out for Christians from believing what the Bible teaches.

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