No Need To Beg

When we ask God for things we need, do we need to beg and plead with him? Or can we just trust that he loves us and will hear and answer us simply because we call on him? We don’t need to beg God to help us, instead, we can trust God to supply our needs because he promises to do so.

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Angel Worship and False Angels

In the new testament, we are warned about false human teachers, but there are also deceiving spirits to avoid. Jesus warns us about false prophets and false messiahs in Matt 24:24 and Mark 13:22. Colossians 2:8-10 says to reject corrupt theology based on the philosophies of worldly spiritual teachings. 1 John 4:1-4 says to test the spirits and ignore the ones that steer people away from what Jesus and his apostles taught. Gal 1:8 warns about false gospel preached by anyone including fallen angels. 2 Cor 11:13-15 says that false teachers pretending to be godly is like how Satan pretends to be an angel of light. Also, Col 2:18 says angels shouldn’t be worshiped or prayed to.

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On Covenants in the Bible

The Bible is more than two covenants Old and New. There are multiple covenants in the Old Testament. There are the Adamic, Noahide, Abrahamic, Sinaitic, and Davidic Covenants. Two of them axis in the tie frame of the New Testament.

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The Chosen Put On The Holy Spirit

In Matt 22:14, Jesus says many are called but few are chosen. When reading the 13 verses before it we can see the full context. Jesus describes the offer of salvation through the new covenant as a wedding invitation, which is first to the Jews and then to the Gentiles (Rom 1:16). The Israelites (Jews) are the first invited guest, but many of them rejected the offer. However, God extends the offer they rejected to the Gentiles, but some people show up without the “proper attire” and are kicked out. Why does that happen? What is the “proper attire”?

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Dangers of Self-righteousness

Some lessons on the dangers of self-righteousness from Jesus himself. In Matt 21:28-32 Jesus gives a parable of two sons. In the parable, the father gives instructions to his two sons. One of them said no, but did follow instructions anyway, and the other said yes but disobeyed. Jesus asked the Pharisees which one obeyed his father they replied the first one. In verses 31-32, Jesus said that is correct and explained the meaning: (NLT) “I tell you the truth, corrupt tax collectors and prostitutes will get into the Kingdom of God before you do. For John, the Baptist came and showed you the right way to live, but you didn’t believe him, while tax collectors and prostitutes did. And even when you saw this happening, you refused to believe him and repent of your sins.”

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Fruits Of The Righteous

In Gal 5:22-23, Paul tells believers to produce the fruits of the spirit. These are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility, and self-control. Paul says the fruits of the spirit are a product of walking in the spirit and not the lust of the flesh in Gal 5:16-23. Something to ask: Where do fruits come from? Fruits come from trees, but then where do trees come from? Trees come from sowing seeds, and seeds come from fruits.

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Preterism vs A Future Revelation

There is a diverse set of Christian Eschatological views including Amillennialism, Premillennialism, Postmillennialism, Historicism, Preterism, Futurism, Idealism, and others. Here we are focusing on Preterism.

Preterism teaches that the events of the book of Revelation already happened in the 1st Century. They say Roman Emperor Nero (who reigned from 54 AD – 68 AD) was the Antichrist, and that all the supernatural events mentioned in Revelation are metaphors and allegory. The conquest of Jerusalem by the Romans in 70AD is the “end of the world” and there is no literal resurrection, or literal new heaven and earth. If the events of Revelation already happened then where is the Millennial reign of Christ, New Jerusalem, both Resurrections of the Dead, the White Throne Judgment, and the New Heaven and Earth? Shouldn’t Jesus be ruling the world from the new Jerusalem in Israel right now? He comes to defeat the antichrist and the false prophet in Rev 19:19-21. That hasn’t happened yet since anti-Christian nations and people still exist. Is Jesus never coming back because it was all hyperbole? Some 1st century Christians were saying that Jesus wasn’t actually coming back and Peter told them that was incorrect in 2 Peter 3. Was Peter mistaken? Paul denounced teachings that denied the literal resurrection in 1 Corinthians 15, and heretics that claimed it already happened in 2 Timothy 2, was he wrong as well?

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Healing in the Bible

Does God promise his people healing? Does the holy spirit really provide healing power? Promises to Abraham are extended to Gentiles in the new covenant (Gal 3:14). So we get all the same promises and more as believers. This includes all the blessings of the old covenant, like prosperity, good health, and victory over enemies (Ex 23:25-26, Deut 7:12-15, Deut 28:1-14).

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